Links of Interest

NEW! - This link will take you to a very recent (published on YouTube 19 July 2015) 51 minute video about design, development and test of Northrop's ATF contender. Entitled "YF 23 black widow II", this excellent video, produced and copyrighted by the Western Museum of Flight (see link below) features several very familiar POS faces.

Now that Pioneers of Stealth has been awarded the Milton Caniff "Spirit of Flight" award, you might be interested in the presenting organization, the National Aviaion Hall of Fame, or NAHF.
Always of interest to us airplane nuts, the National Museum of the US Air Force web site is a constantly changing and facinating resource.

Listen to Ken Dyson's excellent lecture, "Have Blue and Tacit Blue", on the museum's website.

A featured speaker at our Maine reunion was Mr. Wayne Hanson of Wreaths Across America. A most worthy cause whose mission, "Remember, Honor, Teach", is carried out in part by coordinating wreath laying ceremonies on the second Saturday of December at Arlington, as well as veterans’ cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states and beyond.

At the Maine reunion business meeting, Steve Smith gave a short presentation on another very worthy cause, the Western Museum of Flight located at the Torrence, CA airport.

The Maine reunion's most entertaining speaker was lobsterman Jon Carter. At our "lobstaa" bake, Jon talked about his daily lobstering functions, the life of a Maine lobsterman, and - most importantly - how to eat the delicious lobsters on our plates! He covered state and federal rules and regulations, lobster fishing techniques, the life of a lobster; and fielded many questions from the Pioneers of Stealth audience. He said he was very pleased and proud to be in the presence of those that have done so much for his nation. Jon chairs the local Lobster Zone Council, is the local rep on the Maine Lobster Advisory Council and chairs the Area 1 Lobster Conservation Management Team (LCMT).

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